Reading has kept the Planet, Religion, Society and Business alive for centuries. Take some time to read!!!!


Today I just want to encourage business people to develop a habit of reading. I concur with Brian Tracy who advocates that a bit of something done frequently eventually turns into a habit. Read a bit today and eventually get addicted.

I encourage people to read literature related to economics, business and money at least 40% to 50% of their reading time in their early years in business, entrepreneurship or corporate careers. The reason being that one’s ability to turn a profession, skill or idea into value or money will put food on the table. For any field of study to change, improve and leave a legacy to humanity it has to end in value creation. By the way ,Value and Money are buddies.

A profession or skill that can not be turned into money is soon buried or turned into a casual toy for the rich. ”Holderness”.

Below are five pertinent reasons why anyone should develop reading habits.

·         Reading is informative.

·         Reading reminds us of history.

·         Reading renews hope.

·         Reading is the mother of livelihoods.

·         Reading sharpens Imagination, Vision, Mission, Strategy and Goals.

I hope this article will help you guys rethink your reading habits. In God we trust. Get in touch with me on 0718 080 008 or on if you need help to set up your own business in Zimbabwe or South Africa.

#Tag:Support and follow Mr. Simbarashe Nyamadzawo who is a Zimbabwean writer .

Please note that Holderness writes in his own capacity. These are my personal opinions and not a regurgitation of facts.

Article by Holderness Magaragada, CA(Z), RPAZ, MCAW

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